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How we started

Well....there was this cat

Actually, there were a few cats.  You see, we started out as a farm raising dairy goats.  We needed barn cats badly so we went to the local animal shelter.  They had an over abundance of cats needing jobs.  We became involved in fostering and helping promote adoptions, and local spay/neuter programs. We felt the need to do more, there were so many feral cats, and few choices for help placing them in homes.  We had the room, we have the desire, we created Hangry's Hideout


We want to offer a safe caring environment to help with overcrowding at the community animal shelters.  Eventually we hope to offer select kitties as barn cats, to help with rodent control - their favorite jobs!


Our vision is simple, we support the local "TnR" Trap/Neuter/Release programs.  If these programs are given the chance to work, the stray population would be greatly reduced.  There would be no more "nobodys cat"  Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing??

How can you help?

Like all non-profits, we rely on public donations to keep us going so we can continue helping the community.  We have wish lists attached below with items we desperately need on a regular bases, as well as true "wishes".  

Gift cards, paypal, checks...all are greatly appreciated and go a long way.







Direct Delivery

Hangry's Hideout Corp

12357 Cottageville Hwy

Cottageville, SC  29435

(325) 450-8644


Hangry's Hideout Corp is a registered 501c3 in good standing, your cash donation is tax deductable.

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